Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Dalam 15 Minit, 4 Perkara Datuk Dr Rais Sumbat Gol Sendiri. -Dr Kamarul Zaman.

Bila pemimpin BERSATU sumbat gol sendiri 
HANYA dalam tempoh 15 minit sahaja Datuk Dr Rais Hussin, Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi BERSATU, lakukan semua ini:

(1) Mendedahkan bahawa kajian yang dibuat oleh beliau atas permintaan pihak istana sebuah negeri mendapati majoriti orang-orang Melayu Islam tidak berpuas hati dengan PH. 
Kata beliau: “There was a study commissioned by a royal house to gauge the sentiments in that particular state and towards Malaysia and our findings found that there is a huge concern amongst the majority Malay Muslims vis-a-vis PH.”

(2) Mengkritik dasar-dasar Kerajaan PH, khususnya yang dikemukakan oleh Menteri-Menteri BERSATU sendiri, seperti Gojek, kereta nasional ketiga dan kereta terbang. 
Kata beliau mengenai Gojek: “I am one person who is totally against Gojek thing. It will create more problems in the streets of Malaysia than actually solving the problem. Gojek is a very temporaneous, very short term, not thought out properly initiative.” 
Kata beliau lagi mengenai Gojek: “So they thought Gojek was a good idea, it is not, Gojek is a very short term, low income, building towards a low income nation.” Kata beliau mengenai kereta nasional ketiga dan kereta terbang pula: “Third national car, for instance, is another thing that I am not totally for it, what more the flying car, that is comical.”

(3) Mengkritik PH dengan menyatakan PH sedang jatuh dan tidak lagi mendengar suara rakyat. 
Kata beliau: “We are now doing what the BN used to do, we are falling... What I am trying to impress upon is that Pakatan Harapan have stopped listening to the people.”

(4) Meramalkan pakatan Umno dan PAS akan menang mudah jika pilihan raya umum diadakan sekarang. 
Kata beliau: “Given the current sentiment, if they were to have the elections tomorrow, the new pact, Umno PAS with the BN, will win hands down, and this coming from PH guy ya, will win hands down.”
Datuk Dr Rais Hussin terlebih bijak, terlebih berani atau terlebih jujur?
Ucapan penuh Datuk Dr Rais Hussin dalam forum “Post GE-14 By-Elections: Implications For GE15” di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Gombak pada Hari Rabu, 28 Ogos 2019, boleh ditonton di pautan ini:https://www.facebook.com/PatriotMalaysiaKu/videos/468304443725387/
Hasil carian imej untuk tepuk tangan
E-Buku IH-3: Mencari Melayu/Islam Sri Lanka
Bab I: Sebelum pergi..
Bab II: Catatan Perjalanan..
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