BERIKUT adalah profil Lee Ki Woo, seorang artis dari negara Korea yang beragama Islam. Maklumat ini dikutip daripada laman amifobornot.com.
Weblog Ibnu Hasyim tidak membuat pengesahan apa-apa, cuma menyalin terus melalui media internet sahaja. Moga-moga manfaatnya untuk keIslaman kita bersama.
Biodata Lee Ki woo (gambar)
Name: Lee Ki woo
Birthdate: 1981-Oct-23
Complexion: Tanned
Body Type: Sexy
Religion: Muslim
Personal/Family Values: Liberal
Diet: Eggetarian
Drink: No
Smoke: No
Hobbies: Photography Favorite
Music: Not too keen on music.
Favorite Movies: Epics, not a movie buff Favorite
Cuisine: Chinese, Italian
TV Series
- Star's Lover (SBS, 2008)
- Kid Gang (OCN, 2007)
- Outrageous Women (MBC, 2006)
- A Love to Kill (KBS2, 2005)
- Not Alone (SBS, 2004)

- Lost and Found / 달콤한 거짓말 (2008)
- Going Crazy Waiting / The Longest 24 Months (2007)
- Somebody Behind You/There Are Two People (2007)
- Shim's Family (2007)
- Lost in Love (2006)
- Sad Movie (2005)
- A Tale of the Cinema (2005)
- He Was Cool (2004)
- Spin Kick (2004)
- Windstruck (2004)
- The Classic (2003)
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