Friday, October 29, 2021

Antara jenayah seks B/Gabenor N/York dengan b/pemimpin DAP M'sia?


(Gambar fail) Bekas Gabenor New York, Andrew Cuomo. - FOTO AFP

Bekas Gabenor New York hadapi pertuduhan jenayah seks

NEW YORK: Bekas Gabenor New York, Andrew Cuomo, didakwa atas pertuduhan jenayah seks membabitkan salah laku menyentuh secara paksa, semalam.

Ia adalah pertuduhan pertama difailkan selepas beliau terpaksa meletak jawatan, tahun ini, susulan pelbagai dakwaan gangguan seksual.

"Satu aduan salah laku terhadap Cuomo telah difailkan di Mahkamah Bandar Albany," kata jurucakap mahkamah New York, Lucian Chalfen, dengan menyifatkannya sebagai 'jenayah seks.'

Berdasarkan aduan terbabit, Cuomo didakwa meletakkan tangan pada blaus mangsa dan memegang payudara kiri wanita itu pada Disember 2020.

Ia difailkan oleh Pejabat Sherif Albany County bagi pihak New York.Menurut satu kenyataan, Mahkamah Bandar Albany memerintahkan Cuomo untuk hadir ke mahkamah pada jam 2.30 petang, 17 November depan.

Cuomo, 63, meletak jawatan pada Ogos lalu selepas Peguam Negara, Letitia James, mengeluarkan satu laporan tidak bersifat jenayah bahawa beliau didakwa melakukan gangguan seksual terhadap 11 wanita meliputi bekas pekerja.

Bagaimanapun, Cuomo menafikan sekeras-kerasnya tuduhan itu, serta mendakwa beliau adalah mangsa dendam politik.

Menyentuh secara paksa merupakan salah laku kelas A yang boleh membawa hukuman penjara hingga setahun. - AFP

Komen Weblog Ibnu Hasyim: Letakkan tangan pada blaus mangsa dan memegang payudara kiri wanita itu pun hadapi pertuduhan jenayah seks. Hal itu berlaku di New York.  Apa lagi kalau dituduh merogol amah seperti yang berlaku ke atas pemimpin sebuah parti politik di Malaysia.. 

Memang tiada akhlak langsung, walau dilihat dari sudut apa agama sekalipun. Sepatutnya parti begitu tidak layak menyertai pilihan raya umum dalam negara umat Islam. 

Sila lihat siri PRN Melaka:


  1. Dap tak perlu campur tangan dalam hal ehwal hukum Islam. Org Islam tidak campur tangan dalam hal hukum yg ada dalam agama dap. Yg terlibat merogol tak perlulah jadi pemimpin. Diri sendiri pun tak pandai nak pimpin, ada hati nak pimpin org lain.

  2. Joe Biden lagi tak senonoh perangai sbb tu USA elak Joe Biden dari live television... Budak Biden yg nyanyuk rakyat USA kasi pilih.. bangang melantun lantun....

    nak fakta ye... nahhh

    Joe Biden are you okey?

    Super power with mental illness President. He has direct access to press button of nuke weapon in and world in danger now..!!

    Why American peoples still elected Joe Biden as President USA instead his mental health record so bad..!? Do the peoples of America are stupid to make decesion of president of United States.? Look link below.!

    We asked Joe Biden to get on the record about mental health and addiction. Here's what he had to say:

    "Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US and the second leading cause of death for American youth. Every day, 20 Veterans die by suicide. What steps will you take to prevent suicide"?

    Link above Joe Biden the most comedian Presiden of United State America

    Whenever president-elect Joe Biden makes a rare public appearance and is out of the immediate control of his team it increases of suspicions that he is not physically, and above all mentally, up to the job he is about to take over.

    Link Shame of USA President Joe Biden

    Last week, Biden fractured his foot and now must wear a walking boot for several weeks while it heals. The Biden staff claims the fracture occurred while he played with his dog, Major. They also want us to know the German Shepherd is a rescue dog, which is a joke waiting to be told, full of irony. Who will "rescue" Mr. Biden from himself?

    Democrats 'will be forced' to remove Joe Biden from office due to his 'mental decline'
    Democrats 'will be forced' to remove Joe Biden from office due to his 'mental decline'

    Former White House physician and current Republican member of Congress Ronny Jackson has told Fox News he believes Joe Biden will have to resign before his term is up due to an "alarming" decline in the president's cognitive abilities. ha ha ha
